December 11, 2024

5 Ways to Make Setting Weight Loss Goals Achievable

Do you want to lose weight but don’t know how to start? Perhaps you’ve lost weight in the past but struggle to keep it off. We want to help you discover how to make weight loss goals more achievable, so keep reading to learn more!

5 Ways to Make Setting Weight Loss Goals Achievable

Do you want to lose weight but don’t know how to start? Perhaps you’ve lost weight in the past but struggle to keep it off. We want to help you discover how to make weight loss goals more achievable, so keep reading to learn more!

1. Make your weight loss goals SMART.

The best thing you can do to increase your chance at success is to focus on goals that are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and trackable. By creating goals that can be broken down into realistic and manageable steps, you’ll be able to have reasonable expectations and track your progress.

2. Surround yourself with motivators and accountability partners.

Another one of our tips for setting weight loss goals is to get others involved in your journey. Finding the drive and motivation to keep going isn’t always easy, which is why having a support system to keep you accountable is key to long-term success. There are even online weight loss support groups you can join to strengthen a sense of community and connection as you work towards your goal. Plus, celebrating even the smallest wins with others ensures that someone will be there to support you during the lows too.

3. Keep a journal

One of the best ways to keep track of your goals is by writing them down and celebrating the small victories and milestones. Habit tracking or a food diary, or even using a fitness app can help you see your progress and make notes about areas you can improve or change. This step is also important because sometimes you need to evaluate your goals and adjust your habits in order to achieve them.

4. Shift your mindset to the long-term.

Setting weight loss goals often results in radical change for a short period of time, then a sudden loss in intensity and motivation, resulting in an unsustainable lifestyle. Instead of implementing harsh diets and rigid workouts, create a flexible plan and tweak it based on your financial, emotional, and physical limitations. Keeping your focus on long-term success means that gradual changes and simple habits often make the biggest difference.

5. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.

We offer both injectable medications and sublingual medications for weight management at our compounding pharmacy. GLP-1s may not be the best choice for everyone; however, they are certainly worth considering, and we can help you determine the best course of action to help you achieve your health goals.

Another option is taking natural supplements that can improve some of the roadblocks that could be hindering your weight loss journey. For example, berberine can support blood glucose metabolism and help those with insulin resistance. Taking probiotic supplements also promotes healthy gut function, and fiber is another fundamental nutrient that helps with weight control.

Take a look at all of our weight loss support supplements, and reach out to us if you have any questions. Our team is passionate about giving people the tools they need to optimize their health, and we would love to help you however we can!