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Potter’s House Apothecary is often asked by healthcare providers to assist them in treating hard-to-heal wounds. Customized topical preparations are frequently the answer when patients don’t respond to traditional oral therapy.
Our current formula list provides prescribers with several options to treat the infection regardless of the type: viral, bacterial or fungal. These active ingredients treat a wide range of skin infections and have broad spectrum coverage as well as options to reduce pain and inflammation and improve circulation.
Each active ingredient can be compounded using Spira-Wash Gel®, a cutting-edge water-washable base for easy cleansing and debridement. It is adherent, provides occlusion, and maintains a moist environment at the wound/dressing interface, which allows for optimal healing. Maintaining a moist environment may also result in decreased pain. These unique features allow multiple active ingredients with varying solubilities to be incorporated into it. All of our formulations can be compounded in a variety of delivery forms.
Ask our pharmacists how to write these prescriptions if you are not sure. Our PharmDs are available to assist you with culture review. We can help you determine the best medication combination and method of delivery, making it easier for your patients to stay on their therapeutic regimens and experience optimal results. Please contact us if you would like to discuss any of this information or you would like an in-office presentation to learn more about the services we provide.
*Spira-Wash Gel® is a registered trademark of PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America)